Friday, January 15, 2010

Help Haiti

The Smoothie Queens

So a 7.0 earthquake hit Haiti, as most of the world already knows. In more simple terms, situations there are BAD. Not to mention that the country had almost no clean water and about an 80-84% (I don't quite remember the statistic...) unemployment rate BEFORE the earthquake. Organizations like Red Cross and UNICEF USA are out there in Haiti right now, trying to supply people with food and water, as well as trying to get medical help to anybody who needs it, and that's quite a lot of people!

Follow UNICEF USA on Twitter:

Visit to find out how to donate and raise awareness via Facebook, Twitter, text messaging, et cetera. I am about to add UNICEF's banner to this blog right now...

Follow me on Twitter, for I often RT whatever UNICEF posts:

Don't forget to cash in those Trick-Or-Treat For UNICEF donations from last Halloween if you participated! At your local Coinstar!

And of course, please pray for the people of Haiti, or at least keep them in your thoughts.


Thursday, December 31, 2009

Mia's SUPER FAST Update

The Smoothie Queens

-8th grade...oh the joy! *sarcasm*

-Playing Sister Margaretta in The Sound of Music

-Basketball, which I did in sixth grade but not seventh, so WOWZERS I'm confused!

-Yearbook club, which I have never done before but LOVE!

-High school applications, which just suck

-Happy Hanukkah, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year!

-Student Council Rep for homeroom this year

-Hooked on Glee, as always

-Hooked on Degrassi TNG, a relatively new obsession

-Annoyed that Ragtime and Finian's Rainbow are closing this month!

-Just being Mia!


Monday, October 19, 2009

Goodbye Summer ):

The Smoothie Queens

Summer's over ): Well it's been over for a few weeks now, but its hard to get used to wearing a jacket. I hate the cold weather! School started over a month ago and I've had a ton of work to do already. 7th grade is tough! I love almost all of my teachers and they're all relatively young. Unfortuneately, I have to share a locker. I was worried about that before school started. Thankfully, my homeroom got to choose! I'm sharing with one of my best friends, Mackenzie! I'm glad about that because then my locker "room-mate" would get all pissed off because I completely fill my locker with pictures! But this way, Mack's in most of them.

Recently, I went to New York, and had a really good time. The weather wasn't that great in the beginning, but that's okay since I would be inside most of the time. I was there for the Broadway Flea Market, which was PACKED! I met so many people and it was really exciting. A big disappointment was Alice Ripley. I was right about to get autographs from her and she had to leave the autograph table a little early because she had to do a show. I atleast got to quickly meet her, but only for her to apoligize that she couldn't stay. But it was alright since I got to talk to so many great people like Anthony Rapp and SJB! After the flea market, I went to the Bye Bye Birdie stage door. I was so excited that pretty much everyone came out! I went there pretty much just for Allie Trimm, who was so nice! I gave her a birthday gift and introduced myself (from my website, She hugged me and talked to me and I felt so great! And of course, John Stamos was amazing! I could barely speak when he came up to me. My mom did more talking than I did! I got a picture with him and nearly fainted when he put his arm around me.

I should set some kind of reminder for me because I SUCK at updating!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Allyson's Blog

The Smoothie Queens

Laura--I've been dying to see that movie! Glad you liked it! :)

If readers (Just because we don't have a lot of followers doesn't mean we don't have a lot of readers. I read blogs but don't follow them sometimes...) would be so kind as to follow our dear friend, Allyson's, blog,'d be lovely, thanks. :)

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Time Traveler's Wife Review (very short!)

The Smoothie Queens

So yesterday, I saw the Time Traveler's Wife. It was great and I love a lot of Rachel's movies (like The Notebook and Mean Girls). I was sitting in scared to death because I had no clue when Henry was gonna die because at on part of the movie he just flew out bleeding (he was shot). And he thought he was going to die when his daughter was 5. Also, it was really sad because Claire kept losing the baby everytime she got pregnant. Very suspenseful parts! But it was such a good movie and the ending was amazing. Go see the Time Traveler's Wife!!

Saturday, August 15, 2009


The Smoothie Queens

I suck at updating. Thank god I have Mia to remind me or this blog would be dead :]

It's pretty surprising that when I see shows, there usually isn't any understudies performing. But last month at Shrek Christopher Sieber wasn't there and I saw Greg Reuter as his u/s. I really couldn't tell the difference, I mean he did so good. His voice was so much like Christopher Sieber's and he looked a lot like him from where I was sitting.

I didn't get to update about this, but earlier this month I did a show. It's for a performing arts workshop that I do every summer, so it isn't really a play or anything. I usually perform a few voice numbers and some acting pieces. We did two extremely exhausting shows, and a million rehearsals the same days. Tiring, but FUN!

Thursday, August 13, 2009


The Smoothie Queens

A mango smoothie from Panera Bread. It was my first time eating there, and they were out of their signature bread bowls. How depressing.

Sunday, August 9, 2009


The Smoothie Queens

I find it ironic that during the Summer, the most fun and exciting time of the year, Laura and I both neglect our lovely blog. I'm sure once school starts (The three words I hate the most: Back to school!), we'll just have TONS to talk about.

And no,I don't just mean the red highlights in my hair.
Second-Annual Summer Musical Revue @ my school, June 20th
Start of Johns Hopkins Center for Talented Youth program, or CTY, Sunday, June 28th
Dance class during weeknights, except when I was at CTY
CTY until Friday, July 17th
Harry Potter movie!
Vacation in Lake George, New York
Dance class during weeknights, except when I was at CTY
Dance camp! First week--just ended! :(
Dance class during weeknights
Who knows now what the rest of the Summer will bring? ;)

Au revoir,
-Mia =)

Thursday, July 16, 2009


The Smoothie Queens

Well it's about time I updated. My computer is an idiot.